


美国达凯律师事务所(The WK Law Firm) 协助海航集团成功完成纽约曼哈顿中城1180大楼逾三亿美金出售项目

2018年2月16日,美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)协助海航集团(HNA Group)将其旗下企业海航美洲置业有限责任公司持有的、位于纽约曼哈顿中城的1180写字楼(1180 Avenue of Americas)以3.05亿美元的金额出售。买方诺斯伍德投资公司(Northwood Investor)从海航集团接手了这座租赁面积达38400平方英尺、共计22层的A级写字楼。诺斯伍德投资公司由黑石房地产咨询(Blackstone Real Estate Advisors) 前CEO John Z. Kukral于2006年创立,截至2018年1月1日,该公司在世界范围内的房地产及其相关领域投资已达70亿美元。

1180写字楼是一座22层楼高的A级写字楼,位于曼哈顿中城46街与第六大道(Avenue of Americas)交界处,毗邻时代广场和洛克菲勒中心,始建于1963年。1180写字楼是海航集团于2011年通过凯雷集团(Carlyle Group)在美收购的第一栋物业,美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)协助海航集团以2.59亿美元收购了该大楼90%的股权,其余10%的股权起初由MHP房地产服务公司(MHP Real Estate Services)持有,后被海航集团优先购买。

这是继收购850 Third Avenue、旧金山123 Mission Street、明尼阿波利斯市City Center、芝加哥市181 West Madison、245 Park Avenue等商业办公大楼之后,美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)助力该集团在美完成地产交易的又一力作,执行合伙人吴异军律师出席了项目交割仪式。

美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)作为中美联合律所的杰出代表,擅长跨境投资业务、房地产业务、公司业务、资本市场业务、国际贸易及商业诉讼业务等,致力协助中国企业走入国际主流、树立中资企业发展新的里程碑



The WK Law Firm successfully represented HNA Group in the sale of the Midtown office building it owned with MHP Real Estate Partners at 1180 Sixth Avenue for $305 million. Northwood Investor, an investment firm, picked up the 22-story, 384,000-square-foot property from HNA Group. Ms. Annie Kao, the partner of WK Law firm, represented HNA Group at closing. The buyer is an investment firm set up in 2006 by John Kukral who used to be the CEO of Blackstone Real Estate Advisors. Its aggregate investment in real estate and other relevant industries worldwide has reached $7 billion as of January 1, 2018.

In 2011, HNA paid $259 million for a 90 percent stake in the property, buying out Carlyle. MHP Real Estate Services acquired 10 percent stake and transferred all its interest to HNA thereafter. It is the first property owned by HNA in US.

The property, built in 1963, is a 22-story class A office building located in the junction of 46th streets and Avenue of Americas, Midtown, Manhattan, next to Times Square and Rockefeller Center.

This is another remarkable transaction HNA Group has closed with the support of the WK Law Firm after the successful acquisition of 1180 Avenue of Americas, 850 Third Avenue, 123 Mission Street, City Center, 181 West Madison and 245 Park Avenue.

With an annual transaction amount exceeding $10 billion US dollars, the WK Law Firm is specialized in cross-border M&A, financing, real property transactions, corporate operation, capital markets operation, international trade and commercial litigation. The WK team is devoted in offering support to Chinese entities stepping into the global market and endeavoring to set up a new milestone for the development of Chinese entities.

创建时间:2018-05-10 16:37

电 话:022-27316360

邮 箱:aw.team@wklaw747.com

网 址:www.wklaw747.com

地 址:天津市和平区大沽北路2号


