美国达凯律师事务所(The WK Law Firm) 协助客户成功完成纽约曼哈顿245 Park Avenue逾22亿美金融资收购项目
2017年5月5日,美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm )代表中国某著名企业集团,以22.1亿美金的价格从地产投资公司Brookfield Property Partners LP以及纽约州教师退休基金会手中完成融资收购美国纽约中城曼哈顿公园245号的地产项目。该笔交易是纽约摩天大楼最高交易价格之一。美国达凯律师事务所合伙人高安妮律师出席了该项目的交割仪式。此外,本事务所协助收购方企业获得了17.5亿美金的融资支持,该笔融资由以摩根大通(J.P Morgan)为首的银团提供。
245 Park Avenue 是曼哈顿办公街区最有价值的办公大楼,这座44层高的办公大楼是进入公园大道上的第一座大楼,延伸至列克星敦和46街至第47街,所占据的街区面积位列市中心的前2%。大楼房客包括法国兴业银行、美国职业棒球联盟、摩根大通等世界知名企业。
这是继收购纽约中城1180 Avenue of Americas、850 Third Avenue、旧金山123 Mission Street、明尼阿波利斯市City Center、芝加哥市181 West Madison等商业办公大楼之后,我所助力该集团在美完成收购项目的又一力作。
美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)年交易额超过100亿美元,擅长跨境并购、并购融资、房地产业务、公司业务、资本市场和国际贸易等业务,致力协助中国企业走入国际主流、树立中资企业发展新的里程碑。
The WK Law Firm successfully represented HNA Group closed on its $2.21 billion purchase of 245 Park Avenue on May 5, 2017. The sellers are Brookfield Property Partners and the New York State Teacher’s Retirement System. The deal marks one of the biggest prices ever paid for a Manhattan office tower. Ms. Annie Kao, the partner of WK Law firm represented HNA Group at closing. The WK Law firm also completed the acquisition financing with a $1.75 billion loan from a consortium of banks led by JPMorgan Chase.
245 Park is among the most prominent assets on Manhattan’s most valuable office corridor, Park Avenue. The 1,778,000 sf, 44-story tower is the first property on Park Avenue, the anchor to the prestigious promenade. Sited on Park extending to Lexington and 46th to 47th Streets, the asset occupies a super block and is among the largest building on Park Avenue and the top 2.0% in Midtown. Tenants in the building include Societe Generale, Major League Baseball and JP Morgan.
This is another remarkable transaction this Chinese enterprise has closed with the support of the WK Law Firm after the successful acquisition of 1180 Avenue of Americas, 850 Third Avenue, 123 Mission Street, City Center and 181 West Madison.
With an annual amount of business transactions exceeding $10 billion US dollars, the WK Law Firm is specialized in cross-border M&A, financing, real property transactions, corporate operation, capital markets operation and international trade. The WK team is devoted in offering support to Chinese entities stepping into the global market and endeavoring to set up a new milestone for the development of Chinese entities.