


美国达凯律师事务所(The WK Law Firm) 协助海航集团成功完成芝加哥市181 West Madison逾三亿美金融资收购项目



2017年3月15日,美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)协助海航集团以3亿美元的价格融资收购了位于美国芝加哥市中央商务区地标性大楼181 West Madison的地产项目,该笔交易位列芝加哥市2017年第二大写字楼销售项目。美国达凯国际律师事务所执行合伙人吴异军律师出席了该融资收购项目的交割仪式。

181 West Madison坐落于芝加哥市中心,高50层,是著名建筑师 Cesar Pelli 在芝加哥市设计的第一座、也是唯一一座高级写字楼,因其独具特色的设计屡获殊荣。181 West Madison位于芝加哥市西环和中环的交汇处,由于不可替代的战略性交通位置,这座地标性的大厦吸引了诸多高级房客。在此租赁办公的企业员工能够便利地利用通勤轨道或到达城市郊区、银行和金融区、多所州立学校和联邦大学,使用其他基础设施也十分方便。

本次交易是继收购纽约中城1180 Avenue of Americas、850 Third Avenue、旧金山123 Mission Street、明尼阿波利斯市City Center等商业办公大楼之后,我所助力海航集团在美完成收购项目的又一力作。

美国达凯国际律师事务所 (The WK Law Firm) 年交易额超过20亿美元,擅长跨境并购、并购融资、房地产业务、公司业务、资本市场和国际贸易等业务,致力协助中国企业走入国际主流、树立中资企业发展新的里程碑。


The WK Law firm represented HNA Group in $300 Million Acquisition and Financing of 181 West Madison, Chicago in 2017 which is the second-largest downtown office sale of 2017. Mr. Allen Wu, the executive Partner, attended the closing ceremony on behalf of WK Law firm.

181 West Madison is a 50-story trophy property located in the heart of the Chicago Loop. It is architect Cesar Pelli’s first and only completed tower in the city. Strategically situated at the confluence of the West Loop and Central Loop, the iconic tower draws both submarkets’ archetypal tenants to an irreplaceable location that affords their employee immediate and effortless access to both suburban and local commuter train lines, Chicago’s banking and financial district, local and federal government campuses, and deep local amenities. Tenants in the building include Cornerstone Research, Marmon Group and Northern Trust.

This is another remarkable transaction HNA Group has closed with the support of the WK Law Firm after the acquisition of 1180 Avenue of Americas, 850 Third Avenue, 123 Mission Street and City Center.

With an annual volume exceeding $2 billion US dollars, the WK Law Firm is specialized in cross-border M&A, financing, real property transactions, corporate operation, capital markets ope ration and international trade. The WK team is devoted in offering support to Chinese entities stepping into the global market and endeavoring to set up a new milestone for the development of Chinese entities.

创建时间:2017-03-23 14:20

电 话:022-27316360

邮 箱:aw.team@wklaw747.com

网 址:www.wklaw747.com

地 址:天津市和平区大沽北路2号


